How To Choose The Right Naturopath?

Naturopathy, which promises to heal us naturally, is a popular discipline. This method of care uses a set of therapeutic practices not always recognized by conventional medicine, such as natural remedies, massages, lifestyle advice, or dietary rebalancing. To safely benefit from its advantages, it is important to consult a reliable practitioner. Here are some practical tips for choosing the right naturopath.

Prioritize word-of-mouth

Naturopathy has been the subject of intense criticism in recent news, following numerous abuses. Some practitioners have faced legal action for practicing medicine without a license, abuse of vulnerability, endangering the lives of others, or even involuntary manslaughter.

Experts in this field unanimously recognize that the profession of naturopathy is not sufficiently regulated. In this booming wellness market, many seize an opportunity for a career change but escape any oversight...

To date, it is impossible to know the exact number of naturopaths in France and to determine, when consulting someone with this title, whether they have undergone several years of training or only a few months.

The first advice to limit the risks of encountering a charlatan is to consult a practitioner who has been recommended by someone who has already consulted them. In this unregulated field, word-of-mouth among patients is a good criterion for choice.

Visit the website of the naturopath.

If the naturopath recommended to you by someone in your circle has a website, don't hesitate to consult it! The content that a practitioner puts online is a good indicator of their therapeutic practice. The discourse they have on their website can either reassure you in your choice or prompt you to cancel the consultation.

Indeed, naturopaths who claim to have miracle cures for serious illnesses such as cancer, who recommend stopping certain treatments (chemotherapy, medication, radiotherapy...), or who adopt an esoteric approach do not respect the ethics of this profession and are not worthy of your trust.

Find out about practitioner training.

If you can, before consulting a naturopath that you don't know or attending a fasting workshop for example, find out about the organization where the practitioner was trained. The duration and quality of naturopath training is an important indicator of trust.

If you are interested in a fasting workshop, you should verify that the professional organizing the workshop has been trained by a training center with a declaration of activity number.

You should also carefully read the proposed service contract to check:
• that the organizer is insured
• that the workshop is supervised by one or more medical professionals to ensure the safety of participants.

The Syndicat des Professionnels de la Naturopathie (SPN), chaired by Alexandra Attalauziti, has been advocating for years for state recognition of this profession, which would allow for better regulation of the practice and training of naturopaths.

Keep your critical mind.

Finally, even if you are convinced of the benefits of natural medicine, you must maintain a critical mindset when consulting a therapist.

Keep in mind that, according to the Union of Naturopathy Professionals, this discipline is a "practice of well-being and prevention" complementary to modern medicine but should never replace conventional medicine.

If you consult a naturopath while undergoing treatment for a serious or chronic illness, do not abandon your treatment! It could jeopardize your chances of recovery.

Any anti-science or anti-modern medicine discourse that urges you to stop your current treatment should alert you. This is generally a sign of an irresponsible practitioner, so run away!

Author: Audrey
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More informations:
In French: Comment bien choisir son naturopathe ?
En español: ¿Cómo elegir correctamente a tu naturópata?
In italiano: Come scegliere bene il proprio naturopata?
Auf Deutsch: Wie wählt man einen guten Naturheilpraktiker aus?
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